The contract deployed on Sepolia testnet,and the chainId is 11155111.

Click here to go to the smart contract repository.

Your current chainId is 0

Smart contract logic diagram:

Creator Market
The private part of the company is ,
and the public part of the company is .


1.New your company.
2.Use the company selector to find your company.
3.Mint and Approve the test Token.
4.Increase public shares to allocate shares to your shareholders.
5.Increase registered capital to raise the salary limit.
6.Submit salary modification request to hire employees.
7.Complete salary modification request to confirm hiring (wait 1 day in test mode, 30 days in the official version).
8.List publicly to enable trading functionality.
9.Try the trading module.

testToken Operations

Company Dashboard

Company Selector

current company owner is

  • Owner
  • Public
  • Other

Future Expense

Assets and Shares Over Time

Assets/Shares Ratio Over Time

The company is not yet publicly listed and cannot be traded.

You are not the company owner, you cannot operate the company.

Update Time
Current Amount
Pending Amount
Finish Time

Your address's releasable funds are 0 ETH.